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Biology Student Contract



            1.  You are expected to be here everyday

            2.  Unexcused absences may result in zeros for that day’s work

            3.  Excessive absences may result in failure from the course.                

            4.  Excessive tardiness will result in point reductions for the course

            5.  If you are absent, you need to take initiative to check the “Absent Work” for any missed work.  It is due the  

                 next  day unless otherwise noted

            6.  If you are failing the course, the teacher may deny permission to attend a fieldtrip           

            7.  If you are assigned an in school suspension, it is your responsibility to get class work prior to serving

            8.  You do not get credit for work during a suspension

            9.  If you are absent from class because you were tardy from school, it is and                              

                    unexcused absence



            1.  You are expected to actively participate for the entire class period

            2.  Work is due on the assigned day.  Late work will result in a reduction of points         

                    for that assignment. 

            3.  Once we have gone over the assignment, no points will be given.

            4.  Reading assignments are required, not optional.  They are used to introduce, reinforce and enrich the current  

                  topic or concept.  Sometimes, this information will not be additionally covered in class.  You will still be held   

                  accountable for it.

            5.  You need to follow the appropriate format for each assignment.

            6.  Failure to complete assignments may exclude you from participating in labs.

            7.  You will have one day per excused absence to make up your work.  If you are absent for a number of days,  

                 you do not get to turn all the work in at one time.

            8.  Cheating of any kind will result in a zero for the assignment for all parties involved.  Cheating includes copying 

                 homework, class work, labs (except data) and tests/quizzes.  Using technology during a test/ quiz is    

                 also considered cheating. 

            9.  Research projects require citing ideas that are not your own



            1.  A three ring binder is required for this class and will be checked frequently.         

            2.  You are expected to bring a writing utensil and paper daily.

            3.  Bring your assigned, covered textbook daily.



                                              Miller & Levine

                                    Copyright 2014 Pearson


            4.  Materials supplied by the school are expected to be given back in the same                          

                    condition they were issued.    

            5.  Don’t lose your work; you will not be given multiple copies.



            1.  Be in your seat when the bell rings.  Class starts at the bell.

            2.  When the teacher is giving instructions, you are not to be out of your seat or talking.  You should be actively

                 engaged in learning and listening. 

            3.  Work for other classes should not be done in this class unless you have complete and turned in all 

                  assignments for this class.

            4.  No food, gum or drink other then water is allowed.

            5.  Class is not social time.  You should be actively engaged in learning. 

            6.  You do not have the right to disrupt/ disrespect others in the room.  Do not disrupt other students learning.   

                 You are expected to be respectful of everyone (other students and adults) at all times. 

            7.  Conversation must be school appropriate.  Teachers must report illegal activity. 

            8.  Insubordination is any failure to follow direction. 

            9.  Class is over when the teacher dismisses you. 

            10. Electronic devices should be off and not visible during class time unless otherwise noted by the teacher.

            11.  Your behavior is expected to be age appropriate.



            If you do not follow the above rules, there will be consequences.  These consequences can occur in any order

depending on the infraction.

            1.  Verbal reminder

            2.  Student conference

            3.  Parent contact

            4.  Office Referral

            5.  Lunch detentions

            6.  In School Suspension

            7.  Removal from class activities

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